Our Work

The Columbia Gorge is the largest national scenic area in the United States and a rural region with pronounced economic disparities. CultureSeed offers youth free and ongoing outdoor immersion and mental health programs starting as early as 7th grade and continuing through high school and beyond. Youth meet regularly for outings, overnights, peer circles, counseling, therapy, and summer outdoor adventure trips. Youth are also connected to a support network of multiple caring adults, peers, and community organizations.

How it Works

Outdoor Experiences
& Immersions

CultureSeed fosters inclusive access to the outdoors for youth who would otherwise experience barriers to such access. We provide a variety of outdoor experiences such as hikes, camps, river and snow adventures.


& Therapy

CultureSeed’s objective is that 100% of the youth we serve receive quality counseling or therapy if it is needed and requested. Youth have access to free mental health therapy or counseling with local licensed providers, and CultureSeed does not bill Medicaid, so we are not tied to insurance restrictions and barriers.



At the heart of CultureSeed’s work are the Peer Circles. Youth can choose between young women, young men, or queer peer groups, ages 13-19, who meet regularly with caring adult facilitators to build relationships with nature, themselves, and each other.


CultureSeed’s Junior Guide program participants are exposed to a vast array of outdoor activities while being offered personal and professional development training that support them in becoming outdoor leaders. Junior Guides also facilitate outdoor experiential opportunities for younger CultureSeed participants.

CultureSeed taught me so much about myself. I learned how to be a lot stronger and to believe in myself.
— CultureSeed youth